Thursday, March 3, 2016

A GREAT Math Question!

Paige was wondering if a calculator would tell you a remainder for division, so we gave it a try!  We first solved 19 divided by 2 using craft sticks.  We discovered that the quotient was 9 with a remainder of 1.  We then tried it on a calculator... but wait! The answer was 9.5!  We tried with our craft sticks again to be sure we didn't make a mistake because how could a calculator be wrong? We still got 9 with a remainder of 1!  After a great class conversation, we discovered that a calculator breaks the number apart into a decimal or fraction so that each group is equal while we only used whole numbers and recorded the rest as a remainder, or left over  We decided that in third grade, we would stick with whole numebrs and remainders but that someday we would be dividing decimals or fractions in other grades.  A single question led to such a great conversation and discovery!