Monday, December 21, 2015

Newspaper Needed!

Hello! We are currently in need of newspapers to protect our desks / tables during an activity our class will be completing on Wednesday.  If you could please send your child in with some newspaper this week it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Friday, December 18, 2015

Way to go Taegan!

Taegan is this week's math challenge winner!
Monday, December 14, 2015

NEW AR goals are set!

Our trimester two AR goals have been set! Each student has until March 25th to reach their new goal. Remember, make sure to pick good fit books (books in your Lexile Level).  If 80% of our class can meet or exceed their goal, we will have a class prize!

Donovan wins again!

Donovan was our math challenge winner for the second time this year! Keep up the great work!
Monday, December 7, 2015
Friday, December 4, 2015

Writing Process

This week, students in 3L completed part of the writing process.  First, they brainstormed their thinking, then they completed an outline, next they wrote their first draft.  After they completed their paragraph, they met with a peer and discussed what they could improve for their final copy. Students talked about the quality of the main idea, closing sentence and supporting details as well as transition words, sentence structure, and grammar.  Next week, students will complete their second draft, taking into account the feedback from their peer edit, and finally they will use a rubric for a self evaluation / reflection before having a conference with Mrs. Largy.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

This week's challenge winner is... Reagan!

We had more students than ever get this week's challenge correct, but Reagan was the lucky winner!

Makenzie met her goal!

Way to go, Makenzie!

Another goal met!

Way to go Taegan for meeting your AR goal!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bar Models

GREAT strategy for bar models

Some students in our class have been using different colors to help them with bar models.  The colors allows them to better see what each part of the bar model stands for in relation to the word problem.  This is not required, but many students have said that it has helped them tremendously when solving two step real world application problems!

Way to go, Anesa!

Anesa has been working so hard to meet her AR goal and this morning her hard work paid off! Way to go!