Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3L Family Math Night

3L Family Math Night

All students from 3L and their families are encouraged to attend a fun filled night of math!  Please join our class on Thursday, April 6 from 5:00 to 6:00 pm for Family Math Night!

Students will visit a variety of stations around our classroom to play math games and solve math challenges with their families.  Students will be responsible for modeling the math talk that we use in class each day in order to challenge their family’s thinking and solve problems in a variety of different ways.  Parents will be able to experience the Math in Focus program first hand from the eyes of the student as their kids take on the role of the teacher.  

Finally, our class created a very short growth mindset math presentation that will be shown throughout the night.  Come see how our class felt about math at the beginning of the year and how we feel now that we have growth mindsets!

You don’t want to miss this event!  At this time, this event is not a school wide event.  This is an event for 3L and their families. Please complete the below form to RSVP by Friday, March 31st.  You do not need to stay for the entire duration of the event - feel free to pop in anytime between 5:00 and 6:00 when it works for your family!