Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Today our class had some fall fun! We learned about Dia De Los Muertos and also told Halloween jokes!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Bar Modeling: for PARENTS

Last year, I created a presentation for parents about bar modeling.  Below are some slides with information about what bar models are, why they are useful in mathematics, the different types of bar models, sample problems, and ways to help your child be successful with bar models.  If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to contact me.   We will be starting this chapter on Friday, October 28th.

For example, trying using 3 cakes and 1 cake.  
What would you do to solve the problem? 
Then replace with the greater numbers. 

3rd grade monster

The monster is complete!

Monday, October 24, 2016

UPDATE: Google Classroom!

I previously said that our "Tech Directors" would be posting lessons to Kidblog.  However, Kidblog has size restrictions for files so after some problem solving we will be using Google Classroom to post and view videos of class lessons.  We will be going over this in class later this week, but students can log into their Google emails / accounts to accept their invite to Google Classroom.  Any student that does this at home over the course of the week will be earn a special prize! Let's see who checks the blog and can problem solve and log into Google Classroom!

Questions of the Week to Ask Your Child

What does the "Tech Director" of the day do? 
What is a regular plural?
How do you know if you have to regroup when subtracting? Can you think of an example? 
Do you think recess should be before of after lunch? 
What are some examples of habitats? What animals / plants can you find living there? 
Can you explain how to regroup when finding the difference between 2,000 and 999? 

Tech Directors of the Day

Throughout the week, different students in our class will be filming a lesson from the day so that we can post it to Kidblog! This way, if a student is struggling or absent, they can log into Kidblog and watch the lesson from home.  Our whole class will be learning how to use an iPad to film, send a video to Google Drive, and upload a video to Kidblog.  We unfortunately can't film every aspect of our day, but we will try to pick a lesson from each subject throughout the week.

Today's "Tech Directors" are Cam and Caden.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

New Kidblog RULE

Hello everyone,

In order to encourage more class discussions and build our class community, I have created a new Kidblog rule.  In order to create a post, or question for the class, you have to first respond to at least TWO other classmates.  You can respond to math posts and answer the question, or you can read a classmates paragraph / writing and leave them two stars and a wish. THEN, you can create a paragraph post or math question for the class.  Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Sunday, October 16, 2016

KidBlog = WOW!

I am SO impressed by the number of students that logged into Kidblog over the weekend! I saw such thoughtful paragraphs written by so many authors in our class, great thinking explained by our mathematicians, and most importantly, lots of positive notes and two stars and a wish written by our class community to one another! Way to go 3L!
Friday, October 14, 2016

Face Time

Today our class used Face Time to talk with a classmate that couldn't join us in school! It was so fun to use technology to stay connected as a class community!

Kidblog Weekend Challenge!

Any students that log into Kidblog this weekend and answer Makayla's question and at LEAST one of Cam's challenge subtraction problems will be able to have lunch in the class one day next week! Please be sure to use math vocabulary words in your comment! Let's show what great growth mindsets we have and give it a try!
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Questions to Ask Your Child

Don't forget to visit out new tab Quesions to Ask Your Child.  This page is designed to encourage specific conversations about what we are working on each week in school. 

Week of 10/11

What is a main idea?
Who was the first African American to play in the Major Leagues?

What does it mean to regroup?
What is the sum?


I am SO impressed with the number of students that have been logging in to Kidblog each night to post questions for our class to answer the next day! Way to go above and beyond Kody, Ayvree, and Cam!

Book Order

Just a reminder to place your book orders online ASAP!
Friday, October 7, 2016

Who's who?

Today two of our students looked like twins! Can you tell who is who?

This week's winner is...

Avery! Way to go!
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Zones of Regulation

Today in guidance, students learned about the zones of regulation.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Book Order

Our October book order went home this week.  Please place your orders online by October 17th.  Thank you!

Questions to ask your child

Each week, I will try to post a few specific questions that you can ask your child about school.  Many parents say that when they ask their child about their day they often have a vague response.  Hopefully, a more specific question about what we are working on in class will help to engage them in conversation.  These questions can be found under the Questions to Ask Your Child tab.

Compliments, compliments, compliments!

Today was a great day in 3L! Our class received so many compliments for being safe, respectful, and responsible.  Way to go 3L for showing expected behaviors!
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Dana Farber Presentation

Checking out a port used for treatment.

We can't thank Lisa from Dana Farber enough for taking the time to come to our class today! We learned a ton about red and white blood cells, chemotherapy, side effects, and the importance of keeping germs away.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Back to School Program from the Dana Farber Children's Hospital Cancer Center

Back to School Program from the
Dana Farber Children’s Hospital Cancer Center

October 3, 2016

Dear Parents,

As some of you may already know, one of your child’s classmates, Adyson Lavallee, has been diagnosed with cancer and has been out of school due to treatment.  Ady was diagnosed in October of 2015 and her treatment will continue until the fall of 2017.

In order to help concerned or interested students understand Ady’s illness and treatment, we have invited members of the Back to School Program from the Dana Farber Children’s Hospital Cancer Center to speak to your child’s class on Tuesday, October 4, 2016, at 9:10AM.  Through discussion, and other resources, they can help educate students and other school personnel about cancer and cancer treatment so that they may be more sensitive to what Ady is going through.

We would also want to take this opportunity to remind you not to send your child to school if he/she is running a fever or has any kind of communicable illness such as the chicken pox. Not only could this be potentially harmful to other students in the classroom, but Ady is much more susceptible to infection due to her treatment.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me.